”My goal is that Møllevang Pig Genetics are the very best
– no more no less”
Owner of Møllevang Pig Genetics
Building on a heritage of success, Møllevang Pig Genetics is owned and operated by Niels Pedersen. In 2000, Møllevang was founded as a multiplier and expanded into nucleus production in 2002 with Landrace, Large White and Duroc pure line population. Since that time, Møllevang has consistently pushed the development and implementation of new technologies that drive faster genetic improvement focusing on robust, productive animals that maximize profitability for its customers.
In July 2017, Møllevang started independent operations, and began a process of advanced genetic selection, tailored for commercial production by focusing on sow productivity, pig growth, meat quality, and ease of animal management, with the ultimate aim of generating more efficient animals for the customer.
The Møllevang Team
Møllevang Genetics team is operated by a team of highly skilled and driven individuals.
The breeding and selection program is supported by an internationally acclaimed geneticist. The breeding goal focuses on traits that are commercially relevant to producers and generate the most profit. The program utilizes the latest advancements in BLUP, genomic selection, animal performance testing.
The Møllevang production team is running the nucleus and multiplication efforts with high focus on animal care to ensure the best Danish breeding stock can be delivered to customers.
Møllevangs team udnytter løbende og flittigt deres egne valg i forhold til struktur, soliditet og robusthed, som kombineres med den historiske udvikling baseret på de seneste mange års historik. Møllevangs nye avlsprogram bygger på udvælgelseskriterier, som er baseret på branchens krav med forbedret kunderesultat til følge. Denne spændende nye udvikling, der bruger de bedste internationale ressourcer, vil gøre det muligt for Møllevang at udnytte de seneste globale fremskrift inden for BLUP, genomisk udvælgelse, dyreafprøvning og kødkvalitet.